Runnymede: Michael Kusneraitis, who was elected for the Conservatives in Englefield Green West ward, has left the party to sit as an Independent councillor.
South Oxfordshire: Following coalition negotiations, two Independent councillors are to join political party groups. Peter Dragonetti (Kidmore End and Whitchurch ward) is aligning to the Green Party while Leigh Rawlins (Sonning Common ward), who is cabinet member for planning, will join the Liberal Democrats.
Herefordshire: Whitecross ward, after the resignation of It’s Our County councillor Sue Boulter who has been discovered to have been disqualified due to occasional employment by the council. Term ends 2023.
Merton: Cannon Hill ward, after the resignation of Labour councillor Mark Kenny due to health concerns. Term ends 2022.
Dates for byelections
Isle of Wight: The byelection due in Whippingham and Osborne division will be held on 20 June.
Merton: The byelection due in Cannon Hill ward will be held on 20 June.
Neath Port Talbot: The byelection due in Pelenna division will be held on 20 June.
Wandsworth: The byelection due in Furzedown ward will be held on 20 June.
Burnley: At the annual meeting of the council, a motion to elect a Labour council leader was defeated, but no other leader was elected. The council is therefore in limbo before an extraordinary meeting on 29 May which will be a new chance to elect a leader.
Eden: A multi-party agreement has been reached under which the council will be run by Liberal Democrat leader and Independent deputy leader. Labour also has a representative on the Executive and the Green Party is supporting it.
Folkestone and Hythe: The Conservatives have agreed a deal with the UK Independence Party group and Independent councillor David Wimble. It is not yet certain whether they will be given executive posts.
Guildford: A Liberal Democrat leader has been elected, with the support of Labour and most of the Conservative group, and against a candidate from the Residents for Guildford and Villages group. The executive has not yet been appointed but the leader has said she wants it to be inclusive.
North Kesteven: At the annual meeting of the council the Conservative leader was re-elected, but has decided to dissolve the Conservative group to form a ‘NK Administration Group’ which will also include Independent councillors.
Thurrock: The Thurrock Independents have ruled out any form of coalition, but called for a return to the committee system which would probably mean an all-party administration.