The latest updates on local electoral information are as follows.
New vacancies
- Cambridge: King’s Hedges ward, after the death of the Mayor of Cambridge, Labour councillor Nigel Gawthrope. Term ends 2020.
- Clackmannanshire: Clackmannanshire Central, after the impending resignation of Scottish National Party councillor Phil Fairlie, who is the Depute Leader of the Council. Term ends 2022.
- Gedling: Bestwood St Albans ward, after the death of veteran Labour councillor Denis Beeston. As his term was due to end in May, there will be no byelection.
- Lambeth: Thornton ward, after the impending resignation of council leader Lib Peck who is a Labour councillor. She has been appointed to head the Violence Reduction Unit at the GLA, which is a politically restricted post. Term ends 2022.
Dates for byelections
- Cardiff: The byelection due in Ely division will be held on 21 February.
- Northamptonshire: The byelection due in Oundle division will be held on 21 February.
- Stroud: The byelection due in Berkeley Vale ward will be held on 28 February.
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