Over the new year the database has been updated. If you search by postcode, you can find who is the MP for the area (and also how safe their seat is). The latest updates on local electoral information are as follows.
Change of allegiance
New vacancies
- Clackmannanshire: Clackmannanshire East ward, after the resignation of Conservative councillor Bill Mason due to ill health. Term ends 2022.
- Manchester: Clayton and Openshaw ward, after the death of Labour councillor Andy Harland. As his term would have ended in May, no byelection will be held.
Date for byelection
- Warrington: The byelection due in Burtonwood and Winwick ward will be held on 6 February.
Other update
- Scarborough: A vote to remove the Labour/Independent coalition administration failed at a council meeting on Friday 3 January. Since the coalition was formed in May last year, some Independent councillors have gone into opposition.
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